The solar system - shaders

The shaders simulate the following:

  • The planets rotating on their Y-axis

  • Diffuse lighting

  • Specular highlights

What I learned :

  • 3d rendering: understanding notions such as vertices, fragments, object, world, view and clip space

  • 3d rendering: using Unity's built-in functions to change 3d model data from object space to world space and to clip space

  • Math: using the dot product between light direction and normals to simulate diffuse light bouncing the planets’ surface, and between the camera view direction and the reflected light to simulate specular highlights.

  • Lighting: the way objects change color when light bounces off their surface

  • Math: Rotating vertices with rotation matrices (making the planets rotate on their Y-axis)

  • Math: trigonometry to rotate the planets around the sun


Path finding - breadth-first search


Procedurally generated terrain